Saturday, 12 April 2014




Time: 3 Hrs                                                                              Max Marks : 75

PART-A                                     Marks 15 x 1= 15

Answer any 15 Questions-All Questions carry equal marks.
1. Define ‘Absolute Zero ‘of temperature?
2. State First Law of thermodynamics?
3. What is universal gas constant?
4. Define pressure with unit?
5. Define ‘Air Standard Efficiency’.
6. What is meant by control volume?
7. Write the expression for thermal efficiency of diesel cycle?
8. Write down the steady flow energy equation?
9. Sketch the block diagram?
10. State the main classification of air compressor?
11. State the purpose of ‘inter cooling’?
12. How gas turbines are classified?
13. Define calorific value of a fuel’?
14. State any two advantages of super charging?
15. What is meant by’ scavenging’?
16. What are the different types of lubrication system?
17. Define mechanical efficiency?
18. Define ‘indicator power’?
19. Write the modes of heat transfer.
20. Define convection?

PART-B                            Marks 5 x 12=60
Answer all the questions
21. a. 0.2 kg of air at a pressure of 1.1 bar 15c is compressed isothermally to a pressure of 5 bar. Calculate 1) Final volume 2) Heat rejected 3) Change in entropy 4) change in internal energy. Assume R=0.292 KJ/kg k.

b. Explain with sketches the open & closed system as applied to thermodynamics
system. Give two examples each.

22. a. Derive an expression for the air standard efficiency of Joule’s cycle in terms of

b. Air expands from 3 bar to 1 bar in a nozzle the initial velocity is 90m/s and the
temperature 150c. Calculate the final velocity of air, if cp=1.005 KJ/kg k.

23. a. A single stage single acting reciprocating air compressor has a bore of 200mm, a
stroke of 300mm, It receives air at 1 bar 20c deliver at 5.5 bar . If the compression follows
pv1.3 clearance volume is 5% of stroke volume. Determine the power required to drive the compressor, if it runs at 500 rpm.
( or )

b. Explain the working of a open cycle gas turbine with a neat sketch, compare open
& closed gas turbines.

24. a. Describe with neat sketch the method of determining the HCV & LCV of gaseous
fuels using the Junker’s gas calorimeter.

b. Explain with sketches the working of A.C mechanical fuel pump
25. a. Explain the morse test for finding out the indicated power of a multi cylinder engine.
b. Discuss about the conduction heat transfer through a plane wall & composite wall.


Time: 3 Hrs                                                          Max Marks : 75
PART – A                       Marks 15 x 1 = 15
Answer any 15 Questions – All Questions Carry Equal Marks
1. State the law of conservation of energy.
2. Define Mass.
3. Define constant volume process.
4. Define Throttling process.
5. What is Air standard efficiency?
6. Define carnot cycle.
7. Write the steady flow energy equation.
8. What is condenser?
9. State any two merits of Air Compressor.
10. State the demerits of Gas turbine.
11. What is turbojet engines?
12. State any two application of Rockets.
13. What is calorific value of a fuel?
14. What is the difference between four stroke and two stroke engines?
15. What are the types of nozzels?
16. What are the properties of lubricants?
17. Define Brake Power.
18. What is specific fuel consumption?
19. What is convection?
20. State Fourie's law.

PART – B                                                        Marks 5 x 12=60

Answer all the Questions
21 a. A gas whose pressure, volume and temperature are 5 bar, 0.23 m3
and 1850 c respectively has its state changed at constant pressure until its
temperature become 700c. Determine – i) the work done ii) change in internal energy.
iii) the heat transferred during the process, R=290 J/kg K, Cp=1.005 KJ/kgk

b.i) Explain Boyle's law.
ii) Explain I and II law of thermodynamics.

22. a. The following data refers to a four cylinder petrol engine
Total Swept volume – 2000cc
Clearance volume – 60 cc per cylinder.
Maximum cycle temperature – 14000 c
At the beginning of compression, the pressure is 105 N/m2 and the temperature is 240 c. Calculate the air standard efficiency and the mean effective pressure.

b. Explain steady flow energy equation.

23 a. Explain the classification of Air compressor.

b. Explain open and closed cycle gas turbines.

24 a.i) State the equipments of a good fuels.
ii) Classification of IC engines.

b. Explain four stroke cycle petrol engine.

25. a) Explain Morse Test.

b) i) Explain the modes of heat transfer.
ii) Explain heat transfer by conduction.

Friday, 21 March 2014


                           22042- THERMAL ENGINEERING-1

1.      Define Pressure
                          * Force per unit area is called pressure.
                          * It is denoted by (P).
                          Unit of pressure is N/mm2.
2. Define density and specific volume
                      Mass per unit volume is known as density (or) specific mass.
                      Density is denoted by (ℓ).
                      Unit of density is Kg/m2.
             Specific volume:
                      The volume occupied by unit mass substance is known as specific volume.
                      Specific volume (V) = volume/mass=1/density.
                      Unit of specific volume is m3/kg.
3. Define temperature
                      Temperature of substance may be defined as measure of intensity of heat (or) degree of hotness (coldness) in a body.
4. Define absolute zero temperature
                     Temperature measured from the absolute zero temperature is called as absolute temperature. (Kelvin temperature is 0K).
 5. What do you mean by thermodynamics system?
                     Thermodynamics system is defined area (or) a space which some thermodynamic process is taking place.
6. Define closed system
                     In a closed system, heat and work transfer places, but there is no mass transfer, mass of the system remain constant.
Example: Steam power plant.
7. Define open system
                 *Mass transfer takes place.
                 * Heat and work also takes place.
                  Example: Boiler, air compressor.
8. How thermodynamic properties are classified?
                 1. Intensive (or) intrinsic properties.
                 2. Extensive (or) Extrinsic properties.
9. What are intrinsic properties?
                    The properties which do not depend on the mass of system are known as intensive properties.
Ex: Pressure, temperature, density.
 10. What is an extrinsic property with one example?
                    The properties which depends on the mass of the system is known as extrinsic properties.
Ex: Volume, energy.
 11. State the thermal equilibrium of a system.
                     If a system has same temperature at all points of the system, then the system is said to be in thermal equilibrium.
12. What are the laws of thermodynamics?
                    * Zeroth law of thermodynamics
                    *First law of thermodynamics
                    * Second law of thermodynamics
13. State Zeroth law of thermodynamics
                    When two bodies are separately in thermal equilibrium with a third body, then they are in thermal equilibrium with each other.
14. State the first law of thermodynamics.
                   When a system undergoes a cycle, net work transfer is equal to the net heat transfers.                                                                                                          

Q = W + ∆U
15. State the second law of thermodynamics.
Clausis statement:
                    The heat can be transferred from hot body to cold body.
                    Heat cannot be transfer from cold body to hot body.
Kelvin plank statement:
                    It is impossible to construct a heat engine in which all heat energy is converted into mechanical work
16. Write down the characteristic as equation for perfect gas?

              P= Pressure.
              R=Gas Constant.
17. What is perfect gas?
                    A perfect gases is one in which it obeys all the gas laws at all range of pressure and temperature.
18. What are the laws of gases?
                            * Boyles law.
                            * Charles law.
                            * Renaults’ law.
                            * Joules law
                            * Avogadro’s law.
19. State Boyle’s law
When a gas is heated (or) cooled at constant temperature the volume of a given mass of gas varies inversely proportional to the absolute pressure.
P1V1 = P2V2=constant.
20. Write Renaults law?
                   Specific heat Cp& CV are always constant. It cannot be depends upon the pressure and temperature.
                    Cp& CV = constant
                    Cp / CV = constant
21. Write Charles law
                       It state that, at constant pressure volume of gas directly proposition to temperature.
  V ∞ T

22. Define Avogadro’s law
                     Equal volume of all gases contains equal number of molecules.
23. Write joule law?
                     It states that internal energy of gas is function of temperature only
  U ∞ T 
24. Define the term enthalpy
Enthalpy: (h)
  Sum of the internal energy and flow energy (pressure × volume) is called enthalpy.


25. Define Entropy?
                       Entropy is defined as heat energy with respect to temperature.
ds  = dQ/T
26. Define the gas and Vapor?
              Fully or completely evaporated liquid is called gas.
Example: O2, H2, N2.
              Partially (or) incompletely evaporated liquid is called as vapor.
Example: Steam, CO2 SO2, NH3.
27. What do you meant by thermodynamics process?
              The change in the state of a gases (or) vapor due to flow of energy is known as thermodynamics process.
28. Identify the thermodynamics process?
1. Constant volume process. (Isochoric)
2. Constant pressure process. (Isobaric)
3. Constant temperature process. (Isothermal)
4. Hyperbolic process.
5. Adiabatic process.
 6. Polytrophic process.


1.      What is control volume?
The space enclosed by these boundaries is called control volume.
A certain region (or) space through which the fluid flows at a steady rate is called control volume.
2. Define air standard efficiency
                      The thermal efficiency of air cycle is known as air standard efficiency
Air standard efficiency = work done/heat supplied.
Air = 1-Qr/Qs
3. What is Compression Ratio?  
                 It is the ratio of total volume to the clearance volume of cylinder.
It is denoted by Letter r.
r = total volume/clearance volume.
    r= 1+Vs/Vc.
4. Define reversible process
A thermodynamics process is said to be reversible. If it follows the same parts in the reversed direction when the process is reversed, the amount of energy transfer is same in either direction.
ü  Constant volume process,
ü  isothermal process ,
ü  Adiabatic process.

5. Define irreversible process. Give example.
                    A thermodynamics process which con not be operated in reverse direction is known as irreversible process.
Example: Throttling process, free expansion process.
6. What are the types of thermodynamic cycle?
·         Carnot cycle
·         Otto cycle
·         Joule cycle (or) constant pressure cycle (or) brayton cycle
·         Diesel cycle
·         Duel combustion Cycle.

7. No engine can work on Carnot cycle? Why
                During the First half of the stroke, piston has to move very quickly (adiabatic process) and during the next half of the stroke, piston has to move very slowly (Isothermal process) To design such an engine is impossible. That is why, no engine can work on Carnot cycle.

8. Define cut-off ratio
It is defined as ratio between cut-off volume and clearance volume of engine cylinder
Cut-off ratio = cut off volume / clearance volume.

9. Draw the P V and T S diagram of Carnot cycle

10 Draw the P V and T S diagram of Otto cycle

11. Draw the PV and TS diagram of Diesel cycle

12. Draw the PV and TS diagram of Brayton cycle

13. Compare Otto cycle and diesel cycle

Otto cycle

Diesel cycle

It is used in petrol engine
It is used in diesel engine

 Heat is added at constant volume

Heat is added at constant pressure

Compression ratio = expansion ratio
Compression ratio ≠ expansion ratio

Compression ratio is 6 to 8
Compression ratio is 12 to 18



1.      What is air compressor?
Air compressor is a machine which converts mechanical energy into pressure energy

2. What are the uses of compressed air
1. To operate the Pneumatic drills, coal cutter.
2. To operate Pneumatic breaks for automobiles.
3. In spray planting work.
4. In sand blasting.
5. For pumping water from deep well.
6. For super charging the I.C engine.
7. For blast furnaces and air-compressor.
3. Classification of air compressor?
1. According to the design and principle of operation.
a) Reciprocating compressor.
b) Rotary compressor.
2. According to the number of stages.
a) Single stage.
b) Multi stage.
3. According to the pressure stage.
a) Low pressure compressor.
b) Medium pressure compressor.
c) High pressure compressor.
4. According to the capacity.
a) Low capacity.
b) Medium capacity.
c) High capacity.

5. According to the method of cooling.
a) Air cooled compressor.
b) Water cooled compressor.
4. What are the effects of clearance volume in air compressor?
Ø  Suction volume is reduced.
Ø  Mass of air is reduced.
Ø  Increased clearance volume result in heavy compression.
Ø  Heavy compression increase mechanical loss.
Ø  It reduces volumetric efficiency.
5. Define volumetric efficiency
It is defined as effective suction volume to the stroke volume of the cylinder.

Volumetric efficiency = effective suction volume / stroke volume
6. Define clearance ratio
It is defined as the ratio of clearance volume to stroke volume.

C = Clearance volume / swept volume.
7. Define pressure ratio
It is the ratio of delivery pressure to the suction pressure. It is denoted by the letter Rp.

Rp = delivery pressure / suction pressure.
8. What are the various types of the efficiency of compressor?
Ø  Isothermal efficiency.
Ø  Adiabatic efficiency.
Ø  Mechanical efficiency.
Ø  Overall efficiency.
9. Define isothermal efficiency

ŋiso = isothermal work input / actual work input.

10. Define adiabatic efficiency

ŋadi = adiabatic work input / actual work input.

11. Define mechanical efficiency
ŋmech = actual indicted / power input to the compressor.

12. Define overall efficiency
ŋo = air power supplied / power supplied by the prime mover

13. What are the merits and demerits of multi stage air compressor?
Volumetric efficiency is more.

Initial cost is high.

Power required to drive the compressor is less
More cooling water is required.

It has better lubricating resulting in minimum leakage.
Construction is complicated

14. Classification of rotary compressor?
a) Positive displacement compressor
1. Root blower.
2. Vane blower.
b) Non-positive displacement compressor.
1. Centrifugal compressor.
2. Axial flow compressor.
15. What is gas turbine?
A gas turbine is a rotary machine. Which convert heat energy into mechanical energy.

16. State the classification of gas turbine.
1. According to the pats of the working substance
a) Open cycle.
b) Closed cycle.
c) Semi closed cycle.
2. According to the process of heat absorption.
a) Constant pressure cycle.
b) Constant volume cycle.
3. According to the field of application.
a) Industrial gas turbine.
b) Aircraft gas turbine.
17. What are the main elements of a gas turbine?
1. Compressor.
2. Combustion chamber.
3. Lubrication.
18. Name the type of air cycle usually adopted in gas turbine?
Brayton cycle (or) joule cycle

19. What is open cycle gas turbine?
If the exhaust gases from turbine are left to automobile, the gas turbine is known as open cycle gas turbine.

20. What is closed cycle gas turbine?
If the exhaust gases from turbine are reused into the system again and again, the gas turbine is known as closed cycle gas turbine.

21. What are the applications of gas turbine?
1. Aircraft.
2. Propeller ship.
3. Electric power plant.
4. Portable Electric generator.
22. What are the advantages and disadvantages of gas turbine?
Ø  More power output and high mechanical efficiency.
Ø  Less weight.
Ø  Compact sign.
Ø  Low grade fuel can be early burnt.
Ø  Less pollution.
Ø  Less maintenance.
Ø  Low thermal efficiency.
Ø  It requires more space.
Ø  Initial cost is high.
Ø  The starting of gas turbine is difficult.
23. What are methods used to improve the power output of a gas turbine?
1. Using regenerator with gas turbine.
2. Using intercooler with gas turbine.
3. Using reheater with gas turbine.

24. What are the effects of intercooler in gas turbine?
1. Work output is increase.
2. Power is saved.
3. Water required in intercooler.
4. Size of compressor is reduced.

25. What are the effects of regeneration in gas turbine?
1. It requires fuel consumption.
2. It increases thermal efficiency.
3. There is no change in compressor.
26. What are the effects of reheater in gas turbine?
1. It increases power output of gas turbine.
2. It increase total plant size.
3. As more heat is supplied.
4. Thermal efficiency reduced.

27. What are advantages of open cycle gas?
1. Compact size.
2. Simple construction.
3. Suitable for aircraft.
4. Better combustion efficiency.
5. Coolant water in not required.

28. What are the advantages of closed cycle gas turbine?
1. High thermal efficiency.
2. High capacity.
3. External combustion.
4. Long life.

29. What are the applications of the jet propulsion?
1. Turbo jet.
2. Turbo propeller.
3. Ram jet.
4. Pulse jet.

30. What are the advantages and disadvantages of turbo jet engine?
1. It is simple in construction.
2. Low grade fuel can be used.
3. It can be operated high speed.
4. It has less moving parts.
                        5. Wear and tear is considerably low.
6. No less of power.
1. Less power is developed.
2. It has higher fuel consumption.
3. The materials used are consumption.
4. Life of the unit is shorter.
5. It produces more noise.

31. What are the advantages and disadvantages of turbo propeller?
1. It is simple in construction.
2. During takeoff, more power is developed due to propeller.
3. It has less weight.
4. It has high efficiency.
5. It has less vibration and less noise.
6. It has less maintenance.
1. It has low propulsive efficiency at high speed.
2. The propeller cannot run at high speed.
3. It occupied more space.

32. What are the advantages and disadvantages of ramjet?
1. It has no moving path.
2. Less maintenance.
3. Less weight.
4. Low cost.
5. Very high speed.
1. It requires an external starting drive.
2. Designs are very difficult.
3. Fuel consumption is more at low speed.
4. For steady combustion, flame holders are necessary.
33. What are the applications of rocket?
1. Research.
2. For space ship.
3. For satellite.
4. Latest weapons.


1. What is fuel?
Fuel is substance which releases. Next energy during combustion with air.
2. Classification of fuels?
1. Solid fuels
2. Liquid fuels.
3. Gaseous fuels
3. Give some example for solid fuels?          
Coal, wood, peat, lignite coal, etc.

4. Give some example for liquid fuels?
Gasoline, diesel, petrol, kerosene, methanol, etc.

5. Give some examples for gaseous fuels?
LPG, CNG, Natural gas, etc.
6. What are requirements of good fuels?
1. High calorific value.
2. Low ignition temperature.
3. Not produce any harmful gases.
4. Less smoke.
5. Low cost.
6. No ash.
7. Easily stored and transported.

7. What are the merits and demerits of solid fuels?
1. Low cost.
2. Early available.
3. It has no risk of fire as compared to other fuels.
1. Low calorific value.
2. More storage space.
3. It produces more smoke.
8. What are the merits and demerits of liquid fuels?
1. High calorific value.
2. Less space.
3. Combustion can be easily controlled.
4. No damage.
1. High cost.
2. Fire risk.
3. More cost.
9. What are the merits and demerits of gaseous fuels?
1. Free from ash.
2. Less smoke.
3. Burn completely.
4. Combustion can be easily controlled.
1. It is easily inflammable.
2. It requires mono storage space.
10. What is excess air?
In order to ensure the complete combustion of fuels, some extra quantity air is supplied along with theoretical quantity of air. This extra air supplied is known as excess air. Generally 25% to 50% excess air is used.

11. What are the types of calorific values?
There are two types of calorific values.
1. Higher calorific values.
2. Lower calorific values.
12. What is higher calorific value?
It is defined as the amount of heat obtained by complete combustion of unit mass of a fuel, when the products of combustion are cooled down to the temperature of the air supply.
13. What is lower calorific value?
It is defined as the amount of heat obtained by complete combustion of unit mass of a fuel, when heat energy taken away by steam is not recovered.

14. Name the apparatus used to find calorific value of solid and liquid fuels.
Bomb calorimeter.

15. Name the apparatus to fined calorific value of gaseous fuels?
Junker’s gas calorimeter, boy’s gas calorimeter.

16. Write the Delong’s formula of two find HCV?
HCV = 33,800°C + 144000 [H2 = O2/8] + 92705KJ/KG.
17. What is the purpose of orsat apparatus?
Orsat apparatus is used to analyze fuel gas or exhaust gas.
19. What is heat engine?
Heat engine is a machine which converts heat energy into mechanical energy.
20. What are types of heat engine?
1. Internal combustion engine.
2. External combustion engine.
21. Classification of internal combustion engine?
1. Numbers of stroke / cycle.
a. Two stroke cycle engine
b. Four stroke cycle engine.
2. Operating thermodynamics cycle.
a. Otto cycle engine.
b. Diesel cycle engine.
c. Duel combustion engine.
3. Types of fuel used.
a. Petrol.
b. Diesel.
c. Gas.
4. Types of ignition methods.
a. Spark ignition (SI) engine.
b. Compression ignition (CI) engine.
5. Number of cylinder.
a. Single cylinder.
b. Multi cylinder.
6. Working speed
a. Low speed.
b. High speed.
22. What is scavenging?
Scavenging is the process of forcing out the burnt gases out of the cylinder by admitting fresh charge into the cylinder. This type of action takes place in two stroke cycle engine.
23. Compare of two stroke engine and four stroke cycle engine
One power stroke in every revolution of the crank shaft
One power stroke in two revolution of the crank shaft
Uniform torque developed
Fluctuating torque developed
Lighter flywheel required
Heavier flywheel required
No valve mechanism used
valve mechanism used
Starting is easy
Starting is not so easy
High mechanical efficiency
Low mechanical efficiency
It is simple in design
Design is complex

24. Compare petrol engine and diesel engine
Petrol engine
Diesel engine
Otto cycle is employed in petrol engine
Diesel cycle is employed in diesel engine
Operating speed is more
Operating speed is low
Starting is easy
Starting is not so easy
It produces less noise
It produces more noise
Maintenance cost is low
Starting is not so easy
High mechanical efficiency
Low mechanical efficiency
It is simple in design
Design is complex

1. State the methods of heat transfer
 1. Conduction.
              2. Convection.
             3. Radiation.

2. Define: conduction, convection, radiation
              Conduction is the transfer of heat between two bodies in direct contact.
              Convection is the transfer of heat between a wall and fluid system in motion.
       Radiation is the transfer of heat between two bodies separated by empty space or gases.
3. State the Fourier’s law
 Fourier law of heat condition state that “the rate of heat flow is direct proportional to the are section at right angle to the direction of heat flow and to change of temperature with respect to the length of the path of the heat flow.
Q=K × dT/dX.
4. Define thermal conductivity

             The amount of energy conducted through a body of unit area and unit thickness in unit time, when unit temperature difference between the faces causing heat flow.

5. State the assumptions mode in heat conductivity
              1. Steady state flow of heat takes place.
              2. Thermal conductivity remains constant and does not vary with temperature.

6. What are the types of convection?
               i. Natural convection.
               ii. Forced convection.

7. What is heat exchanger?
              Heat exchanger is equipment used to transfer the energy from a hot fluid to a cold fluid with maximum rate and minimum investment and running costs.

8. What are the types of heat exchanger?
             1. Parallel flow.
             2. Counter flow.
             3. Cross flow.

9. Define Parallel Flow
             Both fluid enter at the same end and leave at the other end.

10. Define Counter Flow
             The two fluids flow in the opposite direction.

11. Define LMTD
             Logarithmic mean temperature difference is defined as the constant temperature difference would give the same rate of heat transfer under variable condition of fluid.

12. What is black body?
             A body which absorbs all the incidence radiation is called “black body”.

13. What is transparent or diathermanous body?
             A body which transmits all the incident radiation is called diathermanous body.

14. What is white body?
             A body which reflects all the incidence radiation is called white body.

15. What is opaque body?
              A body which does not transmit any incident radiation is called opaque body.

Prepared by,