Time: 3 Hrs Max Marks : 75PART-A Marks 15 x 1= 15
Answer any 15 Questions-All Questions carry equal marks.1. Define ‘Absolute Zero ‘of temperature?
2. State First Law of thermodynamics?
3. What is universal gas constant?
4. Define pressure with unit?
5. Define ‘Air Standard Efficiency’.
6. What is meant by control volume?
7. Write the expression for thermal efficiency of diesel cycle?
8. Write down the steady flow energy equation?
9. Sketch the block diagram?
10. State the main classification of air compressor?
11. State the purpose of ‘inter cooling’?
12. How gas turbines are classified?
13. Define calorific value of a fuel’?
14. State any two advantages of super charging?
15. What is meant by’ scavenging’?
16. What are the different types of lubrication system?
17. Define mechanical efficiency?
18. Define ‘indicator power’?
19. Write the modes of heat transfer.
20. Define convection?
PART-B Marks 5 x 12=60
Answer all the questions
21. a. 0.2 kg of air at a pressure of 1.1 bar 15c is compressed isothermally to a pressure of 5 bar. Calculate 1) Final volume 2) Heat rejected 3) Change in entropy 4) change in internal energy. Assume R=0.292 KJ/kg k.
b. Explain with sketches the open & closed system as applied to thermodynamics
system. Give two examples each.
22. a. Derive an expression for the air standard efficiency of Joule’s cycle in terms of
b. Air expands from 3 bar to 1 bar in a nozzle the initial velocity is 90m/s and the
temperature 150c. Calculate the final velocity of air, if cp=1.005 KJ/kg k.
23. a. A single stage single acting reciprocating air compressor has a bore of 200mm, a
stroke of 300mm, It receives air at 1 bar 20c deliver at 5.5 bar . If the compression follows
pv1.3 clearance volume is 5% of stroke volume. Determine the power required to drive the compressor, if it runs at 500 rpm.
( or )
b. Explain the working of a open cycle gas turbine with a neat sketch, compare open
& closed gas turbines.
24. a. Describe with neat sketch the method of determining the HCV & LCV of gaseous
fuels using the Junker’s gas calorimeter.
b. Explain with sketches the working of A.C mechanical fuel pump
25. a. Explain the morse test for finding out the indicated power of a multi cylinder engine.
b. Discuss about the conduction heat transfer through a plane wall & composite wall.22042 THERMAL ENGINEERING – IMODEL QUESTION PAPER – II
Time: 3 Hrs Max Marks : 75PART – A Marks 15 x 1 = 15
Answer any 15 Questions – All Questions Carry Equal Marks
1. State the law of conservation of energy.
2. Define Mass.
3. Define constant volume process.
4. Define Throttling process.
5. What is Air standard efficiency?
6. Define carnot cycle.
7. Write the steady flow energy equation.
8. What is condenser?
9. State any two merits of Air Compressor.
10. State the demerits of Gas turbine.
11. What is turbojet engines?
12. State any two application of Rockets.
13. What is calorific value of a fuel?
14. What is the difference between four stroke and two stroke engines?
15. What are the types of nozzels?
16. What are the properties of lubricants?
17. Define Brake Power.
18. What is specific fuel consumption?
19. What is convection?
20. State Fourie's law.
PART – B Marks 5 x 12=60
Answer all the Questions21 a. A gas whose pressure, volume and temperature are 5 bar, 0.23 m3
and 1850 c respectively has its state changed at constant pressure until its
temperature become 700c. Determine – i) the work done ii) change in internal energy.
iii) the heat transferred during the process, R=290 J/kg K, Cp=1.005 KJ/kgk
b.i) Explain Boyle's law.
ii) Explain I and II law of thermodynamics.
22. a. The following data refers to a four cylinder petrol engine
Total Swept volume – 2000cc
Clearance volume – 60 cc per cylinder.
Maximum cycle temperature – 14000 c
At the beginning of compression, the pressure is 105 N/m2 and the temperature is 240 c. Calculate the air standard efficiency and the mean effective pressure.
b. Explain steady flow energy equation.
23 a. Explain the classification of Air compressor.
b. Explain open and closed cycle gas turbines.
24 a.i) State the equipments of a good fuels.
ii) Classification of IC engines.
b. Explain four stroke cycle petrol engine.
25. a) Explain Morse Test.
b) i) Explain the modes of heat transfer.
ii) Explain heat transfer by conduction.